상세 정보
권근의 시문집으로, 세종世宗(재위 1418~1450) 대 편찬된 후 여러 차례 간행되었다. 1674년(현종 15) 진주에서 40권 10책으로 간행되었으며, 문집 안에는 「정삼봉도전문집서鄭三峯道傳文集序」, 「심기리삼편서心氣理三篇序」, 「불씨잡변설서佛氏雜辨說序」 등이 있다. 권근은 정도전과 성리학적 국가 실현을 위한 구상과 노력을 함께했다.
This is a collection of poetry and prose by Gwon Geun (pen name Yangchon), which has been republished several times since it was first compiled during the reign of King Sejong (r. 1418–1450). It was published in 1674 (the 15th year of King Hyeonjong’s reign) in Jinju in 40 volumes and 10 books. The collection includes “Preface to the Collected Works of Jeong Sambong Do-jeon,” “Preface to On Mind, Material Force, and Principle,” and “Preface to the Array of Critiques of Buddhism.” Gwon Geun, alongside Jeong Do-jeon, shared the conception and efforts to realize the neo-Confucian state.